Effective exhibition marketing at CHINA DICASTING
We offer you effective advertising opportunities for all media – simply choose your desired advertising medium and make CHINA DIECASTING a success for you as an exhibitor. Take advantage of services from our cost-effective marketing package.
Online Media
As an exhibitor, you can reach your customers and other target groups directly and effectively via the website, newsletter, social media, H5 exclusive customized invitation – before, during and after the exhibition.
Print Media
Approach your target group in a focused manner with print advertising: our printed exhibition media reach a large number of exhibition visitors.
Advertising On-site
Advertising at the exhibition venue and nearby focuses attention on your company.
Magazine and Website
SPOTLIGHTMETAL explore the global casting market. It is a portal for the light alloy casting industry.
《Diecasting World Magazine》- Focus on Chinese die casting market.
Contact for exhibitors
Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society
Ms. Gillian Li
Tel: +86 24-25855793/25852311-203
Fax: +86 24-25855793
Email: lmt@foundrynations.com