EUROGUSS 2018欧洲压铸展,642家展商亮相,再创新纪录!
EUROGUSS 2018: Mecca for the international die-casting industry
Record exhibitor numbers: exhibition halls in Nuremberg booked out
Demand for die casting continues to grow
80 percent of production used in vehicle manufacture
Between 16 and 18 January 2018, the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg will once again be the mecca of the international die-casting industry.642 exhibitors (2016: 578) from 33 countries will present innovative solutions for the manufacture and application of die-cast components using the light metals aluminium, magnesium and zinc. More than 12,000 trade visitors will have an opportunity to expand their knowledge not only at the exhibition stands but also at the accompanying congress, the International German Die Casting Congress. The congress will look at current megatrends such as Industrie 4.0, globalisation and electric mobility, and their impacts on die-casting production. Prizes will be awarded for outstanding die-cast components as part of the aluminium, zinc and magnesium die-casting competition during EUROGUSS.
“642家展商–相比上届EUROGUSS,展商数量足足增长了10%”,项目总监Christopher Boss 先生自豪地说道。“三个展馆6馆、7馆、7A馆全部订满,一平米也没剩。”展商数量持续上涨,究其原因是受汽车行业持续发展的轻量化趋势的影响,而轻量化尤其要用到铝压铸产品。车辆制造行业是压铸铸造厂最大的买家。
“642 exhibitors – that is a good ten percent more than at the last EUROGUSS two years ago,” observes Christopher Boss, exhibition director at NürnbergMesse, proudly. “The three exhibition halls 6, 7 and 7A have been completely filled. We are booked out down to the last square metre.” One reason for the continued growth of this trade fair must surely lie in the continued trend toward lightweight construction in the automobile industry, which makes use of die-cast aluminium in particular. The vehicle manufacturing industry is the largest customer of the die-casting foundries.
According to information from the VerbandDeutscherDruckgiessereien (Association of German Die-Casting Foundries, VDD), this market accounts for around 80 percent of production. The remaining 20 percent is split between other customer industries, such as mechanical engineering and plant construction, the electrical and electronics industry, furniture, energy and medical technology, and the aerospace industry.
Every second exhibitor is international
More than half of the exhibitors at EUROGUSS are international. In addition to Germany (280 exhibitors), the top exhibitor countries in Europe are Italy (128 exhibitors), Turkey (23), Austria and Spain (19 each) and Switzerland and Slovenia (14 each). Trade visitors – mainly manufacturing specialists, developers and purchasers – come to Nuremberg from all over Europe. They represent either companies in the above customer industries or die-casting foundries.
Die Casting Congress introduces trend topics and competition winners
备受观众欢迎的德国国际压铸会议,这次将以英德双语的形式在纽伦堡会议中心NCC Ost举办。现场23场报告将集中讨论热点话题以及当下关注的行业趋势。观众也将通过详细的报告了解三场压铸件评选活动的获胜者:锌压铸件评选获奖者公布(1月16日),铝压铸件评选获奖者公布(1月17日),镁压铸件评选获奖者公布(1月18日)。
The International German Die Casting Congress, a very popular bilingual congress for trade fair visitors, will be held in the NCC Ost Congress Centre this time. On the agenda are 23 presentations on industry topics and trends of current interest. Trade visitors will also be given a detailed presentation of the winners of the three die-casting competitions: zinc (16 January), aluminium (17 January) and magnesium (18 January).
Surface technology pavilion in Hall 6
Following its successful premiere two years ago, the event in 2018 will once again feature a pavilion dedicated to surface technology, an important subject for die-casting foundries. This will cover post-processing and coating of functional and heavy-duty cast components. The mechanical and process technology involved helps to give a high-quality appearance to the surface of cast products,and includes deburring, grinding, polishing, coating and finishing. The Surface Technology pavilion in hall 6, stand 6-333, will be the place for companies offering light metal processing and finishing.
Special show “Research for Knowledge”
This will be the fourth time that the special show “Research for Knowledge” is held at EUROGUSS. In the service area between halls 5 and 6, seven research institutes and universities will provide an insight into their current projects, present their services and focuses of research, and introduce themselves and the training and professional development opportunities they offer:
AalenUniversity – GTA
NeueMaterialienFürth GmbH
The Austrian Foundry Research Institute (OGI)
Technology Centre Dingolfing
Chair of Design, KaiserslauternTechnicalUniversity
Chair of Materials Science and Engineering for Metals (WTM), Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Steady increase in production by German die-casting foundries
Demand for die casting continues to grow. According to VDD, German die-casting foundries enjoyed an increase in revenue and production in 2017, following the pattern set in 2015 and 2016. The Association is confident that this trend will continue in 2018. In 2016, German die-casting foundries produced a total of 704,820 tonnes of die-cast material, compared to 690,954 in 2015. The lion’s share was made up of aluminium (631,456 tonnes), followed by zinc (55,966 tonnes) and magnesium (17,398 tonnes). In the first three quarters of 2017, the three light metals (aluminium, zinc and magnesium) enjoyed disproportionately strong growth. VDD considers Germany to be a particularly effective location. Even so, manufacturing capacity has also been established outside Germany to offset high HR and power costs. Closeness to the production facilities of customers in the automobile industry is also important, in the Association’s view.
European machine manufacturers lead the world market
Although the global market volume for die-casting and gravity die-casting machines declined by about ten percent to EUR 883 million in 2016, global market share for the CEMAFON countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland) increased to 45 percent (+7 percent). The export volume for CEMAFON in 2016 amounted to EUR 400 million. The largest exporter of die-casting machines in 2016 was Italy (28 percent), ahead of Japan (25 percent) and China (10 percent). CEMAFON (the European Foundry Equipment Suppliers Association) brings together all the major manufacturers of foundry machines and plant, furnaces and products for the foundry industry in Europe.
The leading die-casting shows around the world
欧洲最大的压铸工业展-EUROGUSS,每两年在德国的纽伦堡博览中心举办。三天的展会将吸引650家展商和12,000余专业观众前来展出和观摩最领先的压铸技术、工艺和产品。在高压铸造领域,纽伦堡博览集团同时也积极支持CHINA DIECASTING中国压铸展(每年一届在上海举办)和在印度多地隔年举办的ALUCAST印度压铸工业,以及即将在Fundiexpo上亮相的EUROGUSS Mexico。
In even years, the European die-casting industry meets in Germanyat the EUROGUSS trade fair at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. For three days, some 650 exhibitors and 12,000 trade visitors learn about the latest technology, processes and products. In the area of die-casting, the NürnbergMesse Group is also active at CHINA DIECASTING (annually in Shanghai); ALUCAST, held at different locations in India in even years; and the EUROGUSS Mexico pavilion as part of Fundiexpo.
德国纽伦堡博览集团董事会成员Rolf Keller先生表示:“EUROGUSS2018历年来规模最大的一届展会,同时继续保持全球最大压铸展的地位。本届展会,有642家展商参展,印证了其全球领先压铸展的位置,值得一提的是,EUROGUSS最大优势是其覆盖了压铸全产业联。”
Rolf Keller先生(前排中)接见中国参展团成员
EUROGUSS项目总监Christopher Boss表示:“正如官方公布的数据,本届展会有642家展商,其中压铸件厂商就有217家,占总数的37%。另外,供应者服务商(上游设备、原材料等——本刊注)比例为41%,后处理厂商比例为22%。在专业观众方面,三天的展会,我们期待来自30个国家的12000名专业观众前来参观。”
Christopher Boss还介绍了纽伦堡公司全球压铸展会联动情况,他表示:“除了德国展会外,我也负责与全球压铸展会项目,我们从2012年起与FICMES合作中国压铸展,2018年与印度ALUCAST协会合作印度压铸展,今年我们还将启动墨西哥、泰国展览会。”
中国机械工程学会铸造分会——纽伦堡会展的全球重要战略合作伙伴之一,自2011年与纽伦堡博览集团达成紧密的全球战略合作以来,双方致力于整合国内外压铸行业优质资源,与欧洲知名压铸展EUROGUSS,印度ALUCAST等全球展会联动,将CHINA DIECATING 中国压铸会议暨展览会联手打造为全球极具影响力的品牌活动。随着合作的深入及中国的市场需求,再度联手于2015年推出中国有色合金及特种铸造展览会,在2017年也推出主打黑色铸造的中国铸造展览会。2018年METAL AP亚太金属展也在紧密筹备中。
如果您已经错过了欧洲压铸展,就不要再错过CHINA DIECASTING 2018中国压铸展!2018年7月18-20日在上海新国际博览中心N1-N3馆,亚洲最大规模36900平方米,400余家参展企业,让您不出国门,领略全球压铸精品!!!
Record exhibitor numbers: exhibition halls in Nuremberg booked out
Demand for die casting continues to grow
80 percent of production used in vehicle manufacture
Between 16 and 18 January 2018, the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg will once again be the mecca of the international die-casting industry.642 exhibitors (2016: 578) from 33 countries will present innovative solutions for the manufacture and application of die-cast components using the light metals aluminium, magnesium and zinc. More than 12,000 trade visitors will have an opportunity to expand their knowledge not only at the exhibition stands but also at the accompanying congress, the International German Die Casting Congress. The congress will look at current megatrends such as Industrie 4.0, globalisation and electric mobility, and their impacts on die-casting production. Prizes will be awarded for outstanding die-cast components as part of the aluminium, zinc and magnesium die-casting competition during EUROGUSS.
“642家展商–相比上届EUROGUSS,展商数量足足增长了10%”,项目总监Christopher Boss 先生自豪地说道。“三个展馆6馆、7馆、7A馆全部订满,一平米也没剩。”展商数量持续上涨,究其原因是受汽车行业持续发展的轻量化趋势的影响,而轻量化尤其要用到铝压铸产品。车辆制造行业是压铸铸造厂最大的买家。
“642 exhibitors – that is a good ten percent more than at the last EUROGUSS two years ago,” observes Christopher Boss, exhibition director at NürnbergMesse, proudly. “The three exhibition halls 6, 7 and 7A have been completely filled. We are booked out down to the last square metre.” One reason for the continued growth of this trade fair must surely lie in the continued trend toward lightweight construction in the automobile industry, which makes use of die-cast aluminium in particular. The vehicle manufacturing industry is the largest customer of the die-casting foundries.
According to information from the VerbandDeutscherDruckgiessereien (Association of German Die-Casting Foundries, VDD), this market accounts for around 80 percent of production. The remaining 20 percent is split between other customer industries, such as mechanical engineering and plant construction, the electrical and electronics industry, furniture, energy and medical technology, and the aerospace industry.
Every second exhibitor is international
More than half of the exhibitors at EUROGUSS are international. In addition to Germany (280 exhibitors), the top exhibitor countries in Europe are Italy (128 exhibitors), Turkey (23), Austria and Spain (19 each) and Switzerland and Slovenia (14 each). Trade visitors – mainly manufacturing specialists, developers and purchasers – come to Nuremberg from all over Europe. They represent either companies in the above customer industries or die-casting foundries.
Die Casting Congress introduces trend topics and competition winners
备受观众欢迎的德国国际压铸会议,这次将以英德双语的形式在纽伦堡会议中心NCC Ost举办。现场23场报告将集中讨论热点话题以及当下关注的行业趋势。观众也将通过详细的报告了解三场压铸件评选活动的获胜者:锌压铸件评选获奖者公布(1月16日),铝压铸件评选获奖者公布(1月17日),镁压铸件评选获奖者公布(1月18日)。
The International German Die Casting Congress, a very popular bilingual congress for trade fair visitors, will be held in the NCC Ost Congress Centre this time. On the agenda are 23 presentations on industry topics and trends of current interest. Trade visitors will also be given a detailed presentation of the winners of the three die-casting competitions: zinc (16 January), aluminium (17 January) and magnesium (18 January).
Surface technology pavilion in Hall 6
Following its successful premiere two years ago, the event in 2018 will once again feature a pavilion dedicated to surface technology, an important subject for die-casting foundries. This will cover post-processing and coating of functional and heavy-duty cast components. The mechanical and process technology involved helps to give a high-quality appearance to the surface of cast products,and includes deburring, grinding, polishing, coating and finishing. The Surface Technology pavilion in hall 6, stand 6-333, will be the place for companies offering light metal processing and finishing.
Special show “Research for Knowledge”
This will be the fourth time that the special show “Research for Knowledge” is held at EUROGUSS. In the service area between halls 5 and 6, seven research institutes and universities will provide an insight into their current projects, present their services and focuses of research, and introduce themselves and the training and professional development opportunities they offer:
AalenUniversity – GTA
NeueMaterialienFürth GmbH
The Austrian Foundry Research Institute (OGI)
Technology Centre Dingolfing
Chair of Design, KaiserslauternTechnicalUniversity
Chair of Materials Science and Engineering for Metals (WTM), Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Steady increase in production by German die-casting foundries
Demand for die casting continues to grow. According to VDD, German die-casting foundries enjoyed an increase in revenue and production in 2017, following the pattern set in 2015 and 2016. The Association is confident that this trend will continue in 2018. In 2016, German die-casting foundries produced a total of 704,820 tonnes of die-cast material, compared to 690,954 in 2015. The lion’s share was made up of aluminium (631,456 tonnes), followed by zinc (55,966 tonnes) and magnesium (17,398 tonnes). In the first three quarters of 2017, the three light metals (aluminium, zinc and magnesium) enjoyed disproportionately strong growth. VDD considers Germany to be a particularly effective location. Even so, manufacturing capacity has also been established outside Germany to offset high HR and power costs. Closeness to the production facilities of customers in the automobile industry is also important, in the Association’s view.
European machine manufacturers lead the world market
Although the global market volume for die-casting and gravity die-casting machines declined by about ten percent to EUR 883 million in 2016, global market share for the CEMAFON countries (Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain and Switzerland) increased to 45 percent (+7 percent). The export volume for CEMAFON in 2016 amounted to EUR 400 million. The largest exporter of die-casting machines in 2016 was Italy (28 percent), ahead of Japan (25 percent) and China (10 percent). CEMAFON (the European Foundry Equipment Suppliers Association) brings together all the major manufacturers of foundry machines and plant, furnaces and products for the foundry industry in Europe.
The leading die-casting shows around the world
欧洲最大的压铸工业展-EUROGUSS,每两年在德国的纽伦堡博览中心举办。三天的展会将吸引650家展商和12,000余专业观众前来展出和观摩最领先的压铸技术、工艺和产品。在高压铸造领域,纽伦堡博览集团同时也积极支持CHINA DIECASTING中国压铸展(每年一届在上海举办)和在印度多地隔年举办的ALUCAST印度压铸工业,以及即将在Fundiexpo上亮相的EUROGUSS Mexico。
In even years, the European die-casting industry meets in Germanyat the EUROGUSS trade fair at the Exhibition Centre Nuremberg. For three days, some 650 exhibitors and 12,000 trade visitors learn about the latest technology, processes and products. In the area of die-casting, the NürnbergMesse Group is also active at CHINA DIECASTING (annually in Shanghai); ALUCAST, held at different locations in India in even years; and the EUROGUSS Mexico pavilion as part of Fundiexpo.
德国纽伦堡博览集团董事会成员Rolf Keller先生表示:“EUROGUSS2018历年来规模最大的一届展会,同时继续保持全球最大压铸展的地位。本届展会,有642家展商参展,印证了其全球领先压铸展的位置,值得一提的是,EUROGUSS最大优势是其覆盖了压铸全产业联。”
Rolf Keller先生(前排中)接见中国参展团成员
EUROGUSS项目总监Christopher Boss表示:“正如官方公布的数据,本届展会有642家展商,其中压铸件厂商就有217家,占总数的37%。另外,供应者服务商(上游设备、原材料等——本刊注)比例为41%,后处理厂商比例为22%。在专业观众方面,三天的展会,我们期待来自30个国家的12000名专业观众前来参观。”
Christopher Boss还介绍了纽伦堡公司全球压铸展会联动情况,他表示:“除了德国展会外,我也负责与全球压铸展会项目,我们从2012年起与FICMES合作中国压铸展,2018年与印度ALUCAST协会合作印度压铸展,今年我们还将启动墨西哥、泰国展览会。”
中国机械工程学会铸造分会——纽伦堡会展的全球重要战略合作伙伴之一,自2011年与纽伦堡博览集团达成紧密的全球战略合作以来,双方致力于整合国内外压铸行业优质资源,与欧洲知名压铸展EUROGUSS,印度ALUCAST等全球展会联动,将CHINA DIECATING 中国压铸会议暨展览会联手打造为全球极具影响力的品牌活动。随着合作的深入及中国的市场需求,再度联手于2015年推出中国有色合金及特种铸造展览会,在2017年也推出主打黑色铸造的中国铸造展览会。2018年METAL AP亚太金属展也在紧密筹备中。
如果您已经错过了欧洲压铸展,就不要再错过CHINA DIECASTING 2018中国压铸展!2018年7月18-20日在上海新国际博览中心N1-N3馆,亚洲最大规模36900平方米,400余家参展企业,让您不出国门,领略全球压铸精品!!!
曹秀梅 女士
电话:024-25850149 / 25852311-356
庄永辉 先生
电话:024-25850105 / 024-25852311-206